Hey y'all.....
In my last post in June, I shared how my hubs and I were on our way to Florida to bid farewell to our dear SIL Bryan as he departed on an 11 month deployment and were looking forward to spending time with our daughter Katie over the summer.
A few days after Bryan left, Katie noticed that her eyesight was blurry and thought maybe she needed to have her eyes checked. We made an appointment for a routine eye examine with an optometrist and thought that she simply needed glasses but upon examination the optometrist was unable to help her vision whatsoever. Her eye sight began to decline rapidly and she was immediately referred to a cornea specialist/ophthalmologist who after weeks of testing was unable to find an answer as to why her eyesight was declining and referred Katie to a neurologist STAT. Brain and spinal MRI's were run and numerous tests were performed, but still no answers.....all the while her eye sight still declining! After several more weeks, she was referred to an excellent neuro-ophthalmologist who ran extensive batteries of tests/scans over several more weeks and to our complete dismay we recently learned that Katie had suffered a stroke in her optic nerves! Her specialist believes that the stroke was caused by the infertility injections of Menopur she has been on for over a year and the recovery of her sight is uncertain. At this time she has peripheral vision only and is unable to read or see details....it is her center vision that was affected. Also, in the midst of all this turmoil she broke her foot and will be in a cast for several months and then rehab. My hubs has taken an early retirement so we can together do all that is possible to help our daughter.
As you can imagine, dear blog friends, we are completely shocked and heart broken that such a thing could happen to our precious daughter and humbly ask for your prayers. The last several months have been very difficult indeed with days and nights filled with questions, uncertainties, turmoil and tears, BUT one thing I know and am fully persuaded.....He is an ever present Help in times of trouble and will lead us through this storm!
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We are standing in faith believing upon the Word of God and WE ARE BELIEVING FOR A MIRACLE! We serve a miracle working God and believing for full restoration of Katie's optic nerves and recovery of her sight, in the mighty name of JESUS!
The Lord has given me several powerful Promises to stand upon that have ministered great strength, peace and hope to our hearts as we wait for the full manifestation of Katie's miracle. When my heart, mind and emotions begin to crater I quickly lay-hold of these anchor scriptures and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep trusting Him moment by moment and day by day for Katie's complete recovery. I share a few of these Promises with you below as a declaration of His faithfulness.....There is NOTHING too difficult for our God!...He watches over His Word to perform it!....
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities;
the chastisement needful to obtain
peace and well-being
for us was upon Him, and with the stripes that
wounded Him, "Katie" is healed and made whole.
Isaiah 53:5 amp (emphasis added)
I will pour robust well being into her (Katie) like a river.....
Isaiah 66:12 MSG (emphasis added)
But blessed are your eyes (Katie)
for they see...
Matthew 13:16 (emphasis added)
God is in the midst of her (Katie), she shall not be moved; God shall help her
and that right early.
Psalm 46:5
For I,saith the Lord
will be unto her "Katie"
a wall of fire round about and will
be the glory in the midst of her.
Zechariah 2:5 (emphasis added)
Glory = the very presence of God, anointing, resurrection power, life, deliverance, healing, restoration, nothing missing, nothing broken, God's immense protective presence...HALLELUJAH!
We believe the report of the Lord.....by His stripes Katie is healed!
Bless you sweet friends for standing in prayer for Katie and my family, you are such a blessing!.....
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of
a righteous man makes tremendous
power available (dynamic in it's working)!
James 5:16 amp (emphasis added)
As time allows, I hope to make some blog visits now and then. I trust you understand that my full attention is devoted to Katie and my family at this time. I'm praying for you and hope that all is well with you and yours ...Bless you!

Oh, Jackie, this made my heart so sad. I can only imagine all the different emotions that all of you are facing. What a difficult time. I pray the Lord's healing powers over your daughter's site and foot and that He will give extreme calm as all of you "go forth" in His name. Blessings abundant!
Oh Jackie I am so sorry to hear about all of this. What a difficult time you have been going through. I will pray diligently for you daughter, and for all of you. I am soo glad that you and your hubby are able to be there for your her. How scary this must all be. May God's peace flood your hearts to overwhelming. HUGS
As you have stood by me and my family through our long ordeals with our son's issues with autism, I stand with you and yours for sweet Katie's full recovery in the mighty name of Jesus!!!
Love & Prayers,
Praying for your DIL...God DOES do miracles. We just had a miracle in our family...my 5 mo. old niece got a liver transplant and is doing SO well. God's hand was SO evident throughout the whole thing.
Wrote this about miracles a couple of weeks ago...
praying for one for Katie.
Standing in agreement with you for Katie's full blown healing! Abba can do it - no doubt!! He's our Mighty mountain moving God!! And while you are walking through this time I pray you see the treasures hidden in the darkness!!
Love ya sista!
Sent up a prayer and will continue to do so.
Father I stand in unity with my sister in lifting Katie up to You. Lord You are the God who heals, You are the God of all flesh and NOTHING is too difficult for You.
Father, we ask, first and foremost, that You be glorified by this affliction and trial in dear Katie's life. Your power is made perfect in weakness. Use this trial to refine Katie (and her sweet family) and to transform her more fully to the image of Your Son that others would be brought to their knees before You from the testimony of her mouth and her life.
But Father, You also tell us to ASK - so I am asking. Father, I am asking for a FULL AND COMPLETE recovery of her vision. I am not asking for some relief, I am asking for Your healing power to shower down on her body and touch her - with the same power that healed the woman with the hemorrhage by her touch of Jesus' garment! Father I ask that You heal her optic nerve, regardless of the knowledge of the doctors. Reveal Your glory in and through Katie's life and show Your power and a glimpse of heaven through healing her body.
I ask in the power and name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
While happy to find out where you've been, my heart is heavy hearing the concern and strain your daughter and family have been operating under these past months.
This is know, God's grace IS sufficient...that "though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we need not fear for God has willed His truth to triumph through us." (or something like that from "A Mighty Fortress is Our God").
Keep us informed!
Oh my, Jackie!! I will be praying for your precious Katie. She is SO very precious to HIM. Gave me chills when I read your post. I am standing in the gap with you and trusting that she will be healed and her vision restored. By His stripes!! Much love from your blogger friend and sister!
I am so sorry to hear of this. My heart goes out to you as I know what it is like to walk with your child through a traumatic brain event. I am praying for healing for Katie,wisdom and discernment for the neurologists, and for the peace that passes understanding for you as you walk with your daughter through this journey.
Many blessings to you and your family!
Jackie, this is SO not the same thing I know this. I wanted to share that in 2002, I fell and herniated a disc. The disc punched a nerve bundle and damaged the whole thing. I was paralyzed in the left leg and incontinent of urine from the nerve damage. We prayed for healing. Within 6 weeks the incontinence was reversed but I was told I would never walk again without braces and canes and special shoes. It took 2 years, but I walked into my orthopedic surgeons office (we did NOT do surgery because of the nerve damage) and he was amazed that I walked in. I showed him how I could move my ankle and foot. Tests showed that my calf muscles were still atrophied and dead. But nerves regrew and innervated the tiny auxiliary muscles had super-grown and taken on the job. My surgeon shook his head and laughed. He told me that there was a GREATER physician at work than he could dream of being.
I still use a cane when walking a lot because when those little muscles tire, I stumble. But no braces and no more EMS. God can heal the body! Will be praying for your daughter.
Standing in agreement with you sister Jackie. I'll keep your daughter and your family in my prayers. This made me sad. But I will choose joy knowing that His promises are true! His love always faithful. God bless and protect you all.
Oh my, praying for your precious daughter and the two of you as parents and care givers. Thankful nothing is to small or large for God.
Hi Jackie, I'm so glad you shared this need with us; please know that I am agreeing, in Jesus name, with your prayers for your girl. I just read a wonderful book at God's touch of healing on His children. Please keep me posted.
Dear Jackie...I'm praying for God's healing miracle for your daughter Katie. His strength, comfort and love to be felt by her, you, your husband and her dear husband so very far away. Blessings to you all. And rest too. In Jesus' name, Amen!
I was so happy to see you had posted something this morning and came over right away to visit you. I'm SO sorry and heartbroken with you that your daughter is suffering like this, especially while her husband is deployed. This is exactly the kind of thing I wrote about on my blog last night and I am grateful to know that you and your family are rooted in the knowledge that God will hold you tight through this storm. I pray with you for her complete healing and for all the grace you need to endure. Sending love Jackie and will remember you all often in my prayers. Try to keep us updated as you are able to...
I just 'happened' over here Jackie when your name came up on another page. I agree in prayer with you for God's miraculous touch for precious Katie's eyes. God loves it when we stand together and firmly trust His promises. He is so faithful. I'm really encouraged to see your scriptures listed, one after another... that's just the thing He wants us to do.
Believing with you friend!
praying my dear sister..
Jackie, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's problem with her vision! I am agreeing with you in prayer for her complete and total healing.
I have not been blogging or visiting other blogs in awhile (finally wrote a post), but I'm so glad I stopped by yours today.
Big hugs for you and your family...
I've been busy and away from Blogger for a bit but just saw this.
Jackie I'm praying in agreement with you and covering your daughter and family in prayer.
May God be glorified and may a powerful testimony be revealed in your daughter's healing! God is able and He is always faithful.
Keep us posted??
Hugs and prayers,
Katie's name was put on the prayer list on the Sabbath Keeping post.
"I will praise You in this storm
and I will lift me hands
for You are who You are, no matter where I am
and every tear I cry, You hold in Your hands
and though my heart is torn....
Praying for complete healing for your precious daughter!
Dearest Jackie,
I pray Katie is doing better. You come to mind often and prayers go up for you. Believing for total healing. I usually can't figure out how to post comments, so I don't say anything, but I wanted to try and let you know you are not forgotten.
I am so glad that I popped over tonight to read of this request for your daughter. I am joining you as you stand with her and will be praying for the full return of her eyesight.
I am so sorry, Jackie, that your family is going through such a hard time.
Storming the heavens in prayer for all of you, but most especially for your sweet Katie! I can not even imagine what you must be going through.
BIG HUGS, lots of LOVE, and PRAYERS, andrea
Jackie, please know I am holding you and your family in prayer. I cannot imagine the struggles you all are facing. What a blessing that you can be together. And that you worship a God who wants only what is best for us.
Praying his mercy and blessings upon your daughter and your entrie family.
Jackie, just wanted you to know that you've been on my heart and I'm praying for you and your precious girl!
I'm sorry that I'm just now reading this! I pray that your daughter is doing better. I can understand some of the anguish over this as our new 22-year-old daughter in law has just 2 weeks ago been afflicted with horrific headaches that produce seizure like symptoms. She has also been through many different tests with the neurologists and so far they have not found anything and are just saying it's a migraine. May God bless both our girls is my prayer!
Marilyn...in Mississippi
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